frequently asked questions

Rome, Italy


Did you know that it takes an average of 10-20 hours to research a trip? This time can double if you’re researching a new or unfamiliar destination. Think of a travel advisor like you would a financial advisor, or any other professional service provider that you utilize. Sure you can file your taxes online, but maybe you missed deductions you were eligible for, maybe you’ll get audited, maybe you thought you knew the filing deadline but it was different for sole proprietors than LLC’s. There are so many more maybes in travel, and the services that I provide means that you can spend those 20+ hours planning your outfits instead of planning your outings.


Great question! I actually prefer to distinguish myself as an travel advisor not a travel agent. The typical verbiage of “agent” doesn’t accurately encompass all that I deliver for my clients. Unlike the typical “travel agent” stereotype, I create beautifully detailed travel experiences - as opposed to pre-planned, mass-market packages. Because of my network, I am able to leverage my exclusive relationships to offer my clients the best experiences, amenities and overall value. I listen closely to my clients, throughout our collaborative planning process to tailor travel arrangements to their specific interests and criteria. Read on to learn more about the benefits of using a travel advisor for everything from hotel stays to month long getaways:

Is there a travel advisor in your future?

Has COVID-19 Made the Case for Travel Agents?

5 Reasons Why You Need A Travel Agent - More Than Ever

5 Big Benefits to Working with a Travel Advisor

Millennials Are Relying on Travel Agents in Record Numbers

Are We Witnessing the Return of the Travel Agent?

In The Land of Travel Agents, The Tables Have Turned

Luxury for Less: The Travel Advisor Gambit

Make Way for the Travel Agents. Again.


I work with clients from all walks of life, from busy professionals to retirees looking to start checking off their wanderlist. We’ll know if we’re a good fit after our consultation call, but here’s an idea of the type of client that I work the best with:

  1. You’re looking to hand over the planning, logistics, and details to a professional

  2. You value the 10-20+ hours that you can spend on something other than planning your own travel

  3. You’re busy, overworked, tired, or just not into the details

  4. You’re not interested in budget travel, you’ve worked hard and now you’re ready to take a much needed vacation

  5. You’re comfortable compensating me for my time upfront because you understand the value of working with someone who has industry insights and expertise

  6. You’re willing to chat with me a few times on the phone and respond promptly to emails when it’s time to start booking


I choose to charge a professional fee when I create travel experiences for my clients because I dedicate significant resources and time to each trip that I plan. The fee is a way of ensuring that there is a mutual commitment between the client and that I am selecting the best experiences for their travel goals, and not just the one that pays the highest commission.

In return for this fee, my clients receive the value of my time, knowledge, expertise, worldwide contacts, and exclusive access (think private museum tours after hours and chef led progressive dinners). You’re basically hiring me to do the unglamorous part of traveling planning so that you can show up at the airport looking like a rockstar! I spend hours poring over information that’s for industry pros only, and then transfer that information into a superior travel experience. You pay a small percentage of your overall trip budget, and in return you get the peace of mind that you’re working with a professional who has a team of people to support your travel experience. Imagine a trip where you don’t have to deal with details or logistics but you’re able to access perks and amenities that you can’t get on your own.

Truth be told, commission levels vary by suppliers and are not paid until months after you travel. I don’t know in advance of planning your travel if the best choices for you include a commission or not, which is why I charge a travel management fee. This fee allows me to ensure that my recommendations are not dictated by a commission-focused business model. Instead, I’m able to focus my recommendations and consulting efforts towards what is truly the best fit for you and your interests.

How much does it cost to work with perspectives travel?

It all depends on what your needs are. Rates start at $500 and there is never a fee when you know which hotel you’d like to book and want to add complimentary VIP amenities.

Do you have any examples of the types of trips that you plan?

Each travel experience that I plan is unique to the individual client so no two trips are alike. My goal is to get to know your travel history, preferences and goals so that we can craft a trip that feels like you. If you’d like to see just a glimpse of the types of final itineraries that I create for clients you can see 3 days in Amsterdam here.

i have a complex trip, can you help me?

Oh yes! Although Perspectives Travel is a boutique agency we are affiliated with and supported by SmartFlyer, one of the most prestigious agencies in the country, and Virtuoso, the top luxury consortium in the world. As a Virtuoso Certified Travel Advisor, Perspectives Travel is connected to a network that represents the best of the best in travel, with a portfolio of nearly 1,700 preferred partners including top hotels, cruise lines, tour operators, and more. Through Virtuoso we are able to use our global connections to plan the most memorable experiences for you all while getting the best value for our clients’ time and money.


While my preference is to start at the very beginning of the process, if I am able to take over management of your hotel reservation, I still may be able to assist you. This is hotel dependent and will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

what’s the bird in the logo?

The Arctic Tern is one of the most amazing birds on the planet. Every year they fly all the way from their northern breeding grounds to the Antarctic for the southern summer, a round trip of up to 56,000 miles. This is the longest migration in the animal kingdom, and adds up to more than 1.5 million miles in its lifetime. A very appropriate mascot for a travel company!